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Le blog de Shane Kitchen

12 janvier 2014

The History Of Boxing Gloves

Ever since boxing begun 3000 years ago,  boxing equipment Singapore have been around in different forms. To provide protection to their hands, the ancient Greeks made use of leather strips as hand wraps. However, the old gloves has no padding and only the leather is used to guard the hands from injuries. A lot of people used to think that the main purpose of the gloves is to protect the person being aimed with the punches. Nevertheless, it is really made to protect the bones in the hands which are very fragile and small and to protect the opponent from being severely injured from the punching.
The Greek started the sport boxing, but it is the Roman who popularized the game as a life and death match or a gladiator event. Throughout the game, they still use the leather strips as a form of protection, but they hardened the genuine leather and studded it with spikes and metals around the strip. This lead to more reported death and permanent injuries in the Roman times caused by the said sport.

Because of the brutal match, in 30 B.C the sport has been banned and made illegal in all cities of Rome. Because boxing became a very infamous sport, it was not played and banned by the Roman Empire for 1500 years or the whole period of the Western civilization.
It was in the late 1600s when the sport started again, but then it was the knuckled-care type. Nevertheless, because the sport was handled in a civilized manner, it was took only a short time before the gloves for boxing hit the market again. Instead of the plain leather, paddings were included on as a filling of the gloves. The British boxing champion, Jack Broughton who invented the first padded gloves in the early 1700s. But, the first gloves that were made with leather paddings were only used for mock boxing games and training. The official boxing match still utilize the other form of gloves during the fight.
Because more and more people die from the knuckle-bare fights, the people decided to do something about the rules. But, the boxing rules that were created in the 1700s and late 1800s did not included the use of gloves for boxing. Hence, the boxers are hesitant to stop using the fisticuffs used during the fight. This led to the sport being banned again in 1800s and made a bad impression which still exist until today.
The knuckle-bare event ended in the 1866 when the popular Queensbury Rules were published by John Graham Chambers. The rules included the use of boxing gloves with padding in all types of boxing fights. At the start of the 20th century, different boxing events eliminated the knuckle-bare boxing match and started following the Queensbury rules.

John L. Sullivan last ruled the knuckle-bare boxing championship before the old rules for boxing was replaced with the Marquise of Queensbury rule in 1892. He lost his title to Gentleman Jim Corbett. During the game both players used padded gloves throughout the match.
The weight of the gloves really matters today, because it promotes safety not only to the player but also to the opponent. Heavier gloves are made with extra padding and it prevents the boxer from swinging faster unlike with the gloves that weights lighter.

Le blog de Shane Kitchen